29.12.2006 00:00 Age: 10 yrs
Gnuaccounting now uses SWT 3.2, the windows version should now be fully functional again (yet another Windows-related bug fix) and printing now works again.
Finally the complete configuration has be refactored, that means that important errors may now block the user (e.g. please select your OpenOffice.org path) and Gnuaccounting will now no longer require a restart after the first configuration.
PS: good news, there was a bug in KDE and Gnome e.g. in SuSE 10.1 which troubled the OfficeBean (the embedding of OpenOffice.org) and which seems to be resolved in 10.2. Also, GnuAccounting is now completely Eclipse-3.2 (you can use the one that ships with OpenSuSE 10.2) based.