22.12.2014 15:13 Age: 2 yrs
The new version 0.8.7 of the open-source-accounting software Gnuaccounting no longer requires adjusting one’s
system settings and supports canadian “Provincial Sales Tax”
- Upgraded to Apache Derby
- first JUnit tests
- Window starter (batch file) now using registry to find 32 bit java
- Linux starter (shell file) now marked executable in binary archive
- Contactswindow now updates the contact select box in NewTransactionSelectTransactionDetails in real time
New features
- Support for canadian “TVQ” vat
- support for period types weekdays and workingdays
- Placeholders for item number (=index) and EAN
- Allow other product IDs in EAN field, like ISBN
- Allow product selection by EAN search (or e.g. barcode scan)